Global Business Management


2 Years



Estimated Cost


This program is designed to prepare university and college graduates from a wide range of educational and cultural backgrounds to work as managers in international and domestic businesses of various size. Students develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to manage the human, physical, and financial resources associated with international trade. The first year covers fundamental business knowledge and skills, while more complex international situations and strategic areas are the focus of the second year.

The course of study promotes teamwork and leadership skills, and enhances students’ capacity to work effectively in cross-cultural environments.The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  • Collect, process and interpret data used to support international business
  • Develop, execute and analyze the results of a comprehensive global business plan which includes complete marketing, operations, financial and human resources strategies and tactics, taking into account the impact of various economic, legal, cultural, geographical, and political situations on international business
  • Conduct business with diverse populations using culturally appropriate methods in compliance with relevant national and international law, legislation, policies, and regulations
  • Assist in the importing and exporting functions of a business
  • Plan, direct, execute and evaluate individual and team projects
  • Implement strategies utilizing domestic and foreign government programs, policies, and agencies which facilitate international trade
  • Apply financial knowledge and skill to the operation of an international business
  • Apply leadership and teamwork skills establishing and maintaining working relationships with coworkers, supervisors, clients, customers and consumers
  • Apply quality control and assurance programs to sourcing and supplying
Working in Canada – Application for Permanent Residence

Full-time students who qualify are permitted to work off-campus part-time during their study component and full-time during their Post-Graduation Work Permit Program at the end of their studies, which may grant the student the possibility to apply for a Permanent Residence in Canada through the Canadian Experience Class.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of this program are prepared for entry-level management positions in research, marketing, sales, project management, information management, supply chain, and finance. Graduates may work in a broad range of employment settings in all sectors of business and industry, in both domestic and international locations. Graduates may also use their entrepreneurial skills to open their own business or act as consultants. Students can work part-time during the course of their studies.

Admission Requirements:

Prospective students will need to provide the following documents if they wish to apply to this program:

  • ILAC Pathway 3.2, or IELTS 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 (same for SDS program)
  • Other language proficiency tests accepted include Duolingo until December 31st, 2023
  • Post-secondary diploma, degree, or equivalent; education or experience in a business setting is desirable

Application Process


Contact us and provide your passport among the rest of required documents to complete the registration form. The College will review the documentation and if they do not require anything else from your documents we will move to the following step.


After receiving the required documentation, we will send the data to make your first payment to receive the Letter of Acceptance.


Once you are accepted in the program, and after covering the admission fees, the College will provide you with the Letter of Acceptance (needed for your visa application)


Apply to your study visa through our certified team. We are certified to assist you with your visa application.


Postsecondary education is an investment in your future. We know many students find it tough to make ends meet, which is why we offer a few options to help you pay your way to graduation. Georgian at ILAC offers scholarships to students – international, full-time first year, and returning students. You can afford this!

Types of Scholarships

The Georgian@ILAC Entrance Scholarship is worth $2,000 in the first semester and is awarded to new students joining Georgian@ILAC. Limited number of scholarships available.

The Georgian@ILAC Returning Student Scholarship is worth $2,000 and is awarded to returning students who have demonstrated academic success. Limited number of scholarships available.

Application Requirements:

The following requirements are a convention of the Georgian@ILAC Entrance Scholarship and The Georgian@ILAC Returning Student Scholarship.

  • Students must be admitted to a Georgian@ILAC program and they must apply for a scholarship by the respective intake deadline
  • Recipients should have an above average GPA (B equivalent or higher) and successfully have met the English Language Proficiency requirements
  • Personal statement of interest, resume and other documents provided when applying for admission may be used for evaluation
  • Recipients must pay their full tuition deposit before scholarship deadline
  • Scholarships will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Successful recipients will be notified via email shortly after an offer letter has been issued
  • Returning students must submit an application by the submission deadline


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