Colombia: Your Pathway to Canada

At Pathway2Canada, we understand the unique position of our Colombian clients and the various opportunities and challenges they face when applying for visas in Canada. For Colombian citizens considering a move to Canada, there are several pathways available, each with its own set of requirements. Here, we explore some of these key programs and their specific requirements.

Temporary Resident Visa (Visitor Visa)

Most Colombian nationals require a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV). To apply, you must prove you have no criminal record, are in good health, have sufficient funds for your stay, and have significant ties that would compel you to return to Colombia, such as a job, home, or family.

Study Permit:

Colombian students seeking to pursue their education in Canada can apply for a Study Permit. This permit allows students to attend designated learning institutions in Canada for the duration of their course or program. It’s important to note that acceptance into a Canadian educational institution is required before applying for the permit. Additionally, students must show proof of adequate financial resources to cover tuition fees and living expenses during their stay. Gaining an education in Canada not only provides Colombian students with a world-class education, but it can also open doors to the possibility of becoming a permanent resident through the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program.

Work Permit:

For Colombian nationals seeking employment opportunities in Canada, a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) Work Permit may be required. This permit enables Canadian employers to hire foreign workers when there is a lack of Canadian citizens or permanent residents to fill job vacancies. However, obtaining an LMIA requires the employer to demonstrate that no Canadian worker is available for the job, typically via a rigorous advertising and recruitment process. Colombian workers must also meet certain eligibility criteria such as language proficiency and relevant work experience. Once approved, the LMIA can provide a pathway to temporary residence and potentially, permanent residence through several immigration programs.

Express Entry:

The Express Entry program offers a promising route for Colombian nationals to attain permanent residency in Canada. This immigration system manages applications for three economic immigration programs: the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program, and the Canadian Experience Class. Colombian applicants are assessed and scored based on factors such as age, education, skilled work experience, and language proficiency in English or French. A high Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score increases the chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence. It’s crucial to remember that the Express Entry process is competitive and requires careful preparation and timely submission of complete application packages.

Family Sponsorship:

For Colombian nationals who have family in Canada, the Family Sponsorship program provides an opportunity to reunite with loved ones while laying the foundation for a new life in Canada. Under this program, a Canadian citizen or permanent resident can sponsor their spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, dependent children, parents, or grandparents to come to Canada. The sponsor must meet certain eligibility requirements, including a commitment to financially support the sponsored family member for a certain period. It’s important to note that the sponsored individual should meet specific criteria as well, such as being admissible to Canada on health, criminal, and security grounds. Family Sponsorship can offer a fulfilling pathway to permanent residence for Colombian nationals.

Remember, each program has its unique requirements and processes. At Pathway2Canada, our dedicated and multicultural team is ready to guide you through these steps, providing you with a tailored strategy for your journey to Canada. As fluent speakers of English, Spanish, and various other languages, we can ensure clear and comprehensive communication throughout your process. Contact us today to begin your Canadian adventure.

Main Nationalities

Pathway2Canada specializes in serving clients from the countries listed below, reflecting our deep expertise in international immigration. Yet, our reach extends beyond these nations. We work extensively with prospective students and immigrants from numerous countries across Latin America (LATAM) and South East Asia. Our multicultural team, fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Cantonese, Russian, Hindi, and Urdu, bridges language barriers and connects dreams to real possibilities. We are here to guide you on your unique path to Canada, no matter where your journey begins.